Sunday 24 June 2018

Cabbage Roll aka Golbaki or Sarma

June 24, 2018 0 Comments
A meal with many names, you probably wonder why? Well, this is one of the most famous meals in the middle and eastern Europe. Each country has its name for it. For example, in Polish, it's called Golabki, while in Croatia, we call it - Sarma. 
But since this is mostly US group, let's call it - Cabbage Roll :)

Cabbage is famous for its miraculous effects on GERD. So let's enjoy this truly GERD friendly meal altogether! Just to point out - feel free to replace any ingredient with the one that works better for you (in a case if you, for example, do not tolerate garlic).

What you need:
1 head of cabbage 
2lbs of ground beef (lean) 
2 cups of white rice (cooked) 
2 eggs
1 onion (chopped)
1tbs of salt
1tbs pepper 
1tbs of garlic powder

Add the lean beef with all of your seasonings that are listed above^ and let it sit together for a few minutes (10-15) 
Let the cabbage sit in boiling water until they are nice and easy to take apart 
Then when you take the cabbage apart you can start making palm size or bigger meatballs and flatten them up a little bit 
then fold the sides of the cabbage around the meat so the meat is completely inside the cabbage 
After you are done you can put them back into a big pot and let them boil on medium heat until the meat is tender and ready to eat (about an hour or 2)

Recipe by: Beata

Friday 22 June 2018

My Acid Reflux Coach - Some herbal teas may trigger GERD?

June 22, 2018 0 Comments
Post written by: My Acid Reflux Coach

Did you know some herbal teas may trigger GERD? 🍵

☕ Remember, herbs can have multiple different effects on your system. Although they may stimulate digestion, reduce inflammation, or be mucoprotective, some herbs may also relax the lower esophageal sphincter and make acid reflux worse.

Carminative herbs are a type of herb that may relax the lower esophageal sphincter allowing for more acid reflux. Some carminative herbs that I see commonly used to help with chronic heartburn include but may actually be making it worse for some people are:

1. Anise seed
2. Caraway
3. Fennel
4. Ginger
5. Lemon Balm
6. Licorice
7. Oregano and Parsley
8. Peppermint

Other carminative herbs you may be using in your everyday cooking include:

1. Rosemary
2. Sage
3. Garlic and Onion
4. Thyme
5. Pepper
6. Cardomon
7. Basil
8. Cumin
9. Cinnamon and Nutmeg
10. Mustard

But remember that the cause of your gastroesophageal reflux disease may not be a faulty lower esophageal sphincter (LES). For many people, the above herbs may help their GERD.

Listen to your body. 👂👂

For more information and a larger list of herbs that may affect the LES see:

Post written by: My Acid Reflux Coach

Monday 18 June 2018

My Acid Reflux Coach - What is the best type of sugar for your GERD?

June 18, 2018 0 Comments

The post was written by

Make sure to like his Facebook page to support him and to give him an additional inspiration to write these awesome and educational posts for us!

What is the best type of sugar for your GERD?

Have you tried switching to:
a. Stevia
b. Raw Honey
c. Blackstrap Molasses
d. Dates
e. Maple Syrup

It’s hard to give up sugar. Some scientists argue that sugar can be as addicting as cocaine for rodents. So, if you can’t, or are not going to, give up sugar, then what is the healthiest sugar?

⚠️ Remember, GERD is an individual disease. A sugar/sweetener that works for some people may not work for you. Therefore, it’s important to know the factors that could influence your reaction to a substance. For sugar and sweeteners, consider the following factors:

1. Glycemic Index - How is the sweetener affecting my blood sugar levels?
2. Side Effects - Has the sweetener been linked to cancer, diabetes, or unpleasant symptoms?
3. Refinement Level - How refined/processed is the sweetener?
4. Nutrient Quality - How “empty” is my sweetener? 
5. Sugar Type - Glucose, Fructose, Lactose, Sucrose, Maltose, etc. 
6. Source - Is your sweetener organic?
7. Your Reaction - How do you feel when I use this sweetener?

Now, all of the above factors are related, but breaking down each sweetener in this way can help you make the best choice when it comes to sugar and your gastroesophageal reflux disease.

-------------------------------- Glycemic Index (GI)

Glycemic Index describes how much, and how quickly, a consumed substance effects blood sugar levels. Note: “white bread has a higher rating [GI] than table sugar, and that fruit leather is higher than a typical chocolate bar. The most significant factor driving use of the glycemic index for food choices is that several research studies reveal a connection between high-carbohydrate, high glycemic diets, and some diseases. (...) It is important to keep in mind that this is still very new science without long-term assessment and verification.” -

The sweeteners with the highest GI are:
1. Maltodextrin - 110
2. Maltose - 105
3. Dextrose - 100
4. Glucose - 100
Some of the sweeteners with the lowest GI:
1. Stevia - 0
2. Inulin - 1
3. Mannitol - 2
4. Xylitol - 12

-------------------------------- Side Effects
Beware of low glycemic index sweeteners like aspartame that have been linked to cancer. -
High Fructose Corn Syrup has also been linked to a number of horrible side effects. See:

-------------------------------- Refinement Level
The processing of food may destroy/remove enzymes and nutrients originally found in the sweetener. Furthermore, the refinement process may alter compounds that may then have a possible negative effect on the body.
Raw Honey is unrefined honey with a number of benefits:

Less refined types of sugar include:
1.Demerara Sugar
2.Turbinado Sugar
3. Muscovado Sugar
4. Cane Sugar
Using fruits like dates to sweeten dishes is a great way to avoid processed sugars/sweeteners.

-------------------------------- Nutrient Quality
When you use dates instead of sugar to sweeten a dish, you are also consuming the other nutrients found in the date. Molasses is a byproduct of the refinement of sugarcane or sugar beets. This refinement leaves the sugar as an “empty carb”, whereas molasses that remain still contains a good portion of the nutrients found in the original plant source.

-------------------------------- Sugar Type
Now remember, you may tolerate high GI sweeteners like dextrose better than lower GI sweeteners like Fructose. A high GI may mean that your body will absorb it before bacterial overgrowth can ferment it -
But, for some types of overgrowth like candida, all types of sugars may need to be avoided:

Although they have a high GI, Glucose and dextrose are considered a low FODMAP sweetener because they don’t contain excess fructose. Whereas low GI sweeteners like Xylitol and Sorbitol are higher FODMAP. -

Other High FODMAP sugars and sweeteners:
- Fruit sugar
- Fructose
- Agave syrup
- Honey
- High Fructose Corn Syrup
- Molasses

-------------------------------- Source
“Organic evaporated cane juice is a relatively unrefined sweetener made from the stalks of the sugar cane plant. It is healthier than the refined cane sugar present in so many beverages and baked goods in part because, being organic, it is produced without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. It is also closer to the unprocessed original plant, so it contains more nutrients than highly processed alternatives.”-

Remember: “Sugar is sugar, no matter what form it’s in. If you eat too much coconut sugar it’ll tax your liver, cause toxic accumulation, increase your risk of fungal infections, decrease brain function, and metabolize directly into fat.”-

Written by: My Acid Reflux Coach

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Avocado quesadillas with cheddar cheese and chicken

June 12, 2018 0 Comments

Baked chicken breast
Cheddar cheese

Preparation for this meal is quite simple and quick - bake the chicken as you usually do and chop it up into smaller bites. Cut up avocado (half of the avocado was used here but add it as much as you want). Then add 3 slices of very thin cheddar cheese slices. Toast the quesadilla on both sides over medium heat till brown on each side and the cheese is melted.

Recipe by: Joy G. Hoover