Sunday 22 April 2018

# Success Stories

Bill Stern - Updated success story

12/6/17 I had surgery
After the surgery, till Xmas I was put on cipro which gave me the GERD and mild gastritis.
I was diagnosed with the GERD right away and joined this group to gain the support of others.
Made a appt with GI doc but he could not see me for 3 weeks argh.
I had daily heart burn and each night I thought I was going to just die.

Regular DR put me on a PPI which I took for 5 days..
I felt it made things worse.
Came across a article in one of the groups that said check out this book and get on an elimination diet.
You can check it out too
I got the book read it cover to cover I was desperate to stop the daily pain.
At this point I was having 10+ antacids each day easily.
In addition a Bottle of Pepto every few days.
The book basically seemed like everything I was eating was wrong. except for a few healthy options.
no coffee, green or black tea, citrus, tomato products, fried foods, onions, processed foods.
week 3
wow that did not leave much... Seemed a bit over whelming.
But the I started to worry about downing a bottle of tums every 10 days,
and the side effects of doing so.
So I reversed it,,,
look at what I can have instead of what I can't.
Items that were alive or grow you can have for the most part.
good quality items only,,,,
grass fed beef, wild caught fish, organic
items with one ingredient.

week 4
Found out not to take mint flavored antacids as they make things worse.
Switched to tropical fruit flavored antacids and things got better.
by this time went to GI doc he put me on H2 pepcid 40 mg am &pm
a probiotic before meals and
DGL Ultra for digestion after.
Had a endoscopy and colonoscopy diagnoses confirmed gerd and gastritis.
After 4 weeks on the elimination diet the heart burn ended.
I manage the burping with gas-x which works by making the air bubbles in your gut smaller and allows to your body to reabsorb them.
week 10
Last couple of weeks I have begun adding things back into my diet.
For weeks I was having grass fed beef burgers on a slice of seeded rye cut in half.
with honey mustard dressing which did not bother me.
Now I started having Martin's potato rolls with the burger and even had some ketchup with no ill effects.
Still no raw veggies except celery... I steam everything.
Started back on having steaks, lean sirloin nothing with marbleized fat. even had some A-1 on it and no ill effects.
Even started experimenting with coffee and tea... very mild at first.
today I took 2 Lipton tea bags and put it in my coffee maker where the coffee goes. with 10 cups of water and ran it. It made a nice pot of weak tea...
little honey and it was great to have something new.

During the elimination phase I have only had room temp water and fennel hot tea.
I still keep a 2 liter bottle of water on the kitchen counter when I need room temp water.
I make all my meals fresh.... well except for the time I made a whole 12 pound turkey and my wife and I picked at it for 10 days. I got all the white meat and she got all the dark.
protein will help you heal so try to have some protein with each meal.
hint a portion of protein is about the size of your palm.

Also got one of those whole turkey breasts.... w picked at it over a week and just tossed it.
Hint Hint skin is off the menu
prep. only olive oil on skin and salt and pepper on and under skin, no other spices.
the deal is to eat 5-6 small meals each day instead of 3.
about every 3-4 hours
it tasks 4 hours to empty your stomach and you don't want to be empty so eating every 3-4 hours keeps something in your stomach.
Protein is very important in the healing process, so try to have a protein with each meal.
Red meat was off the menu for the first 6 weeks so was reduced to eggs, white meat chicken and turkey, sea food. and white chia seeds which happens to be a complete protein.
so almost every day I have white chia seeds in my oatmeal. Which is nice as it's not only a complete protein but it's also high in fiber.
white flour is processed so I find I do much better with seeded rye.
Now I am getting more into seafood
Boiled shrimp, muscles, Steamed Clams
Fish filets -sauted in 100% extra virgin olive oil
salmon, carp, flounder, octopus, tilapia, sea bass
no white potatoes, but red potatoes ok , best to go with a yam
when you go shopping look at the store most of the things you can have are not in the middle they are along the walls.
Spice... oregano and turmeric are antiinflamatory.
I stay away from all other spices except salt and pepper
Other nice things that help me. low fat vanilla yogurt, and Walmart's cinnamon apple sauce.
cool the burn or to put something in my tummy when empty.
My go to foods.... At this point I rather have some low fat yogurt then pop some pills.
Not sure why, but when I get the name brands of yogurt they are thicker and bother me
I do very well with the coburn low fat yogurt from Save-a-lot food stores.
pasta - regular pasta has to much sugar.
look for barilla pasta it has a lower GI index and less sugar. easier on your tummy.
Dairy -
0 &1% Good
2 & 4% Bad
week  11
Backing off on meds went from taking pepcid 40mg 2x a day to 1 a day then week 12 went to as needed.
Started trying to eat things I have not had since the beginning. Worried about the heart burn returning so taking things very slow.
having ice in my water.
an inch of ginger ale is a mug.
Lipton decaf black tea in a mug 1 tea bag for a 16 oz glass. - little gas so went back to 3 tea bags and run it through 10 cups in coffee maker.
week 12
First time going out to eat.
Was pretty good boiled shrimp, poached salmon no lemon no butter, ice water.
some french fries with ketchup
steamed veggies.
mashed yam with marshmellows :)
little honey dew melon.
no ill effects

Keep moving forwards a little at a time.
Thanks for reading.
Bill Stern

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