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Could eating a kiwi a day keep the acid reflux away?🥝🥝🥝
Kiwis help prevent constipation, eliminate toxins, create alkaline balance, and much more! 🥝🥝
Read on to see some more reasons why Kiwis may help with your GERD and overall health! 🥝
Did you know that KIWIs may help:
1. Treat Asthma
2. Digest Protein
3. Boost the Immune System
4. Reduce Oxidative Stress
5. Manage Blood Pressure
6. Reduce Blood Clotting
7. Protect Against Vision Loss
Source: https://
"Kiwi has shown promise as a treatment of bowel and digestive disorders. A number of studies have shown kiwi helps reduce complications related to irritable bowel syndrome as well as inflammatory bowel disease. The findings of the studies suggest that adding kiwi to patients’ diets introduced antioxidants and fiber, which were able to produce anti-inflammatory results, as well as overall improvements in bowel function." -
Furthermore, Kiwis may help:
1. Improve Sleep
2. Prevent Cancer
3. Fight Bacteria and Fungai
Could eating a kiwi a day keep the acid reflux away?🥝🥝🥝
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Written by: My Acid Reflux Coach
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