Saturday 31 March 2018

Success Story - Bill Stern

March 31, 2018 0 Comments

Bill Stern - My Story

12/6/17 I had surgery
after the surgery, till Xmas, I was put on Cipro which gave me the GERD and mild gastritis. I was diagnosed with the GERD right away and joined this group to gain the support of others. Made an appt with GI doc but he could not see me for 3 weeks argh. I had daily heartburn and each night I thought I was going to just die.

Regular DR put me on a PPI which I took for 5 days..
I felt it made things worse.
Came across an article in one of the groups that said check out this book and get on an elimination diet.
You can check it out too

Got the book read it cover to cover I was desperate to stop the daily pain.
at this point, I was having 10+ tums each day easily.
a Bottle of Pepto every few days.
The book basically seemed like everything I was eating was wrong. except for a few healthy options.
no coffee, green or black tea, citrus, tomato products fried foods, onions, processed foods.
wow, that did not leave much... But then I started to worry about downing a bottle of Tums every 10 days.

So I reversed it,,, look at what I can have instead of what I can't

an item that was alive or grows you can have.
good quality items only,,,,
grass-fed beef, wild caught fish, organic itemswith one ingredient.

by this time went to GI doc he put me on H2 Pepcid 40 mg am &pm
started DGL Ultra for digestion. and a probiotic.

Had an endoscopy and colonoscopy diagnoses confirmed GERD and gastritis.

after 4 weeks on the elimination diet, the heartburn ended.
I manage the burping with gas-x which works by making the air bubbles in your gut smaller and allows to reabsorb them.

The last couple of week I have begun adding things back into my diet.

Like I was having a grass-fed beef burger with honey mustard dressing which did not bother me.
Now I started having Martin's potato rolls with the burger and even had some ketchup with no ill effects.

Still no raw veggies except celery... I steam everything.

Started back on having steaks, lean nothing with marbleized fat. even had some A-1 on it and no ill effects.

even started experimenting with coffee and tea... very mild at first.
today I took 2 Lipton tea bags and put it in my coffee maker where the coffee goes. with 10 cups of water and ran it. It made a nice pot of weak tea... little honey and it was great to have something new.

During the elimination phase, I have only had room temp water and fennel hot tea.

I make all my meals fresh.... well except for the time I made a whole 12-pound turkey and my wife and I picked at it for 10 days. I got all the white meat and she got all the dark.
Also got one of those whole turkey breasts.... w picked at it over a week and just tossed it.

then deal is to eat 5-6 small meals each day.
about every 3-4 hours
trying to have a protein with each meal.

Red meat was off the menu for the first 6 weeks so was reduced to eggs, white meat chicken and turkey, seafood. and white chia seeds happen to be a complete protein.

so almost every day I have white chia seeds in my oatmeal. which is nice as it's not only a complete protein but it's also high in fiber.
white flour is processed so I find I do much better with seeded rye.
for a while there I was cutting a slice of rye in half and having the burger on that  :)

Now I am getting more into seafood
Boiled shrimp, muscles
sauteed in 100% extra virgin olive oil
salmon, carp, flounder, octopus, tilapia, sea bass

no white potatoes, but red potatoes ok, best to go with a yam

when you go shopping look at the store most of the things you can have are not in the middle they are along the walls.

other nice things that help me. low-fat vanilla yogurt, and Walmart's cinnamon applesauce. cool the burn or to put something in my tummy when empty. My go-to foods... At this point, I rather have some yogurt then pop some pills.

pasta - regular pasta has to much sugar.
look for Barilla pasta it has a lower GI index and less sugar. easier on your tummy.

Thanks for reading.

Friday 30 March 2018

Success story - Yahdah N James

March 30, 2018 1 Comments

I'm feeling really good lately, no major reflux episodes for a few weeks, no pain, sleeping well :)
At christmas 2017 I began my journey of weaned off PPI and starting to pay attention to what I eat and drink. I went on a strict diet and used zantac to help me through. After 54 days off the PPI I am maintaining a Gerd friendly diet, use Dr Schuessler's tissue salt combination for acid reflux&heartburn, vitamin B12 sublingual spray daily, and gaviscon just before bed.
I notice my rough nights are due to eating some kind of meat for dinner, so have limited my meat consumption to midday meals only.
I also found I can't eat raw food at dinner, so no salads or fruits after 4pm
My favourite beverage is Chai Latte with almond milk.
I am able to eat a small amount of dairy such as a sprinkle of parmesan on my pasta, butter on bread, and a little cream with a scone but am mindful not to over do it.
My favourite sweet treat is white chocolate or carob covered ginger or caramel toffee bites.
I do exercises or gardening before I eat, never afterward.
I drink alkaline water or fresh watermelon juice.
I'm so please to have days where I hardly think about my issues and the symptoms are non exisitant.
I've finally stopped obsessing over food and medication.
As long as I avoid the trigger foods I know I'll have a good day and I'm smiling once again.
Best wishes to everyone on this journey. Pain is a great incentive to change diet or lifestyle, I know its seems daunting to begin with, but the good days are so good <3

By: Yahdah N James

Success story - Duncan Humphries

March 30, 2018 0 Comments

I was diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and Barrett's esophagus early in my life. After years of experience and research, I finally took control of the disease, but with much difficulty and trial. I learned that support is vital to make progress with chronic health conditions. Three endoscopes later, doctors were unable to find signs of Barrett’s esophagus.
My recovery followed this path: increased body awareness, emotional healing, nutritional education, posture correction, trigger food identification, medication weaning, environmental education, diet correction, environment correction, stress reduction, cooking education, and sleep correction.
I hope no one loses hope with this awful disease!

By: Duncan Humphries

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Bliss balls!

March 27, 2018 0 Comments
Bliss balls!
The perfect sweet treat :)

The base of the recipe is fresh dates and whatever else you think might be tasty that you can tolerate eg, don't add nuts if you can't handle them.
Everything goes in a food processor until its pulverized and sticky enough to roll into balls.
Easy huh !?
I coated mine with desiccated coconut, but you could also use chopped nuts or dairy-free biscuit crumbs.
These balls were made with fresh pitted Dates, dried figs, raisins, walnuts, almonds, pepitas, sunflower seeds, puffed rice, and chopped carob pieces.

Recipe by: Yahdah

Sunday 25 March 2018

"Member of the week" competitions

March 25, 2018 0 Comments
COMPETITIONS / MEMBER PARTICIPATION REQUIRED. STARTS TOMORROW and will run MONDAY'S THROUGH FRIDAYS and the winner will be chosen at 5pm U.S. EST ON Friday's, and will be pinned here in our Facebook group and also published here on the blog as a grand prize :)

(Every other week will be a change off from inspirational stories to the recipe of the week).

Fellow administration member Olya came up with this fantastic idea for our group.

The best recovery /inspirational story is how you improved your symptoms and or healed. This is to inspire others with your story and hopefully, others will share theirs as the week goes on. Then ''Recipe Of The Week'' is self-exclamatory, post your best GERD / acid reflux friendly recipes.
The competitions will be rotating one week Of ''Inspirational / Healing Stories'' and the next week will be ''Recipes of the week.'' and so on,

The winner of the week will be titled ''Member Of The Week'' and their story/inspiration and the title ''Recipe Of The Week''., each will be posted as the pinned post for a week of that competition and added to the Group Blog!
Winners will be decided by the total amount of ''LIKES' on our Facebook group' given to each member that participates.

We really hope for a lot of participation from our members.

Let's have fun!
From the Gerd / Acid Reflux Administration <3

Wednesday 21 March 2018

Carrot Cake Banana Bread - By Chocolate Covered Katie

March 21, 2018 0 Comments

By Chocolate Covered Katie 
Oil Free
Gluten Free
Low Fat
Low Calorie
EASY to make!
Total Time: 50m
Yield: 12-14 slices

2 cups white, spelt, or oat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon
3/4 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp salt
optional 1/8 tsp nutmeg
1 1/2 cup mashed, overripe banana
1/2 cup finely shredded carrot
1/2 cup pure maple syrup, honey, or agave
1/4 cup milk of choice
1/4 cup oil OR additional milk of choice
2 tsp pure vanilla extract
optional, crushed walnuts, coconut, etc.

Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease a 9×5 pan, or line with parchment. Combine dry ingredients in a bowl. If desired, you can add 1/2 cup crushed walnuts and/or a handful of shredded coconut. Whisk liquid ingredients—including carrot and banana—in a separate bowl. Pour wet into dry, and stir to form a batter. Smooth into prepared pan. Bake on the center rack 37 minutes, then do not open the oven door at all but turn off the heat and let sit in the closed oven 10 additional minutes. If still undercooked at this time, simply turn the oven back on and continue baking—checking every 5 minutes–until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out mostly clean. Let cool. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Taste and texture are much better the second days (and even better the third day as it gets sweeter). Leftovers can be sliced and frozen for up to a month. If you want to frost the bread, I included a few links to some frosting recipes above in the post, or you can use about 1/2 cup softened coconut butter—sweetened if desired.

By Chocolate Covered Katie 

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Avocado dip - Replacement for mayonnaise

March 20, 2018 0 Comments

This one is a short recipe but great as a replacement for mayonnaise, other forbidden dips and even egg yolks (since yolks trigger reflux for some people).

What you need is:
1 avocado
Olive oil (to taste or until it becomes creamy)
Salt (you can also use Himalayan salt if you wish)

And simply blend it all together :) it's so yummy, healthy and GERD friendly! Feel free to add or to remove any ingredients from this recipe, adjust it for yourself however you wish.

Posted by: Rea

NOTE: I hope we all remember that GERD (as well as most chronic diseases) is multidimensional and individual. One diet might help someone while hurting another. What that means is - some recipes might work for some people while for some people they might cause reflux. Make sure that (based on ingredients) a recipe you've chosen won't trigger reflux for you. Thanks! :)

Saturday 17 March 2018

Baked Parmesan Breaded Cod

March 17, 2018 0 Comments



  • 1⁄4 cup mayonnaise (I use olive oil mayo)
  • 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 tablespoon ACV (apple cider vinegar)
  • 1⁄2 teaspoon salt 
  • 1 tsp Dill, fresh or dried
  • 1⁄2 cup Italian breadcrumbs
  • ½ Tsp Italian Seasonings
  • 3 tablespoons parsley, fresh or dried
  • 4 cod fish fillets

Preheat oven to 450F degrees. Spray a jelly-roll pan with nonstick vegetable cooking spray.
Combine mayo, Italian seasonings, dill, acv, and salt.
In another bowl combine Italian breadcrumbs, Parmesan, and parsley.
Spoon mayonnaise mixture on one side of the cod and dip the coated side in the breadcrumb mixture.
Place fish crumb side up on non-stick spray coated pan.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until fish is cooked through and bread crumbs begin to brown

MY MOTTO: Most any recipe can be made GERD FRIENDLY by eliminating your triggers and replacing with non-triggers.

NOTE: I hope we all remember that GERD (as well as most chronic diseases) is multidimensional and individual. One diet might help someone while hurting another. What that means is - some recipes might work for some people while for some people they might cause reflux. Make sure that (based on ingredients) a recipe you've chosen won't trigger reflux for you. Thanks!

Recipe provided by: Joy

Friday 16 March 2018

Baked Mozzarella Chicken Rolls

March 16, 2018 0 Comments

Serves: 4


  • 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts (4, 3 -ounce pieces)
  • 1 cup Italian style breadcrumbs
  • 3 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese, divided
  • 3 ounces fresh baby spinach
  • 1/4 cup Feta cheese
  • 1 beaten egg 
  • 2 ounces fresh low-fat mozzarella cheese, thinly sliced
  • 8 Fresh basil leaves, 4 for the stuffing and 4 for topping

Prep the chicken: Cut the chicken into 8 pieces and pound the pieces until they are thin (for quick cooking) and have expanded in surface area (for more filling). Place the breadcrumbs in a shallow bowl with 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese and set aside.

Prep the filling: Chop the spinach and fresh basil in a food processor, add the Feta and Parmesan cheese, mix well, empty into a small bowl and add 2-3 tablespoons of the egg, mix well. Place the remaining egg in a separate shallow bowl and set aside.

Assemble the chicken: Spray with non-stick cooking spray, the bottom of a large baking dish and preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Place one piece of chicken on a flat working surface. Put a spoonful of the spinach filling right in the middle and roll the chicken up so that the edges meet to form a "seam". Dip the entire chicken roll in egg, and then roll it in the breadcrumbs. Place in a baking dish, seam side down. Repeat for the remaining pieces of chicken. Bake for 25 minutes.

Finishing touches: After 25 minutes, the chicken should be cooked through (white on the inside) and browned on the top. Cover the chicken with the slices of fresh Mozzarella. Bake for another 3-5 minutes or until cheese is melting. Sprinkle with fresh basil.

Don't try to cram all the pieces too close together because if the sides are touching each other, they won't get crispy. Leaving a little space between each piece allows the breadcrumbs to bake, brown and crisp up perfectly. :)

***MY MOTTO: Most any recipe can be made GERD FRIENDLY by eliminating your triggers and replacing with non-triggers.****

NOTE: I hope we all remember that GERD (as well as most chronic diseases) is multidimensional and individual. One diet might help someone while hurting another. What that means is - some recipes might work for some people while for some people they might cause reflux. Make sure that (based on ingredients) a recipe you've chosen won't trigger reflux for you. Thanks! :)

Recipe provided by: Joy G. Hoover

Tuesday 13 March 2018

Broiled Salmon with Spinach Feta Saute

March 13, 2018 0 Comments


  • 4 skinless salmon fillets (6 ounces each)
  • Coarse salt and ground pepper
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 bags (5 ounces each) baby spinach
  • 1/2 cup feta, crumbled (2 ounces)
  • 1/3 cup pine nuts
  • 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice

Heat broiler, with rack set 4 inches from heat. Place salmon on a rimmed baking sheet; season with salt and pepper. Broil until opaque throughout, 5 to 7 minutes.
Meanwhile, in a large skillet, heat oil over medium. Add as much spinach as will fit; season with salt and pepper. Cook, tossing spinach and adding more to skillet as space becomes available, until tender, about 2 minutes.
Remove from heat; drain off excess liquid.
Stir in feta, pine nuts, and lemon juice. Serve salmon with spinach saute.
Serves 4.

MY MOTTO: Most any recipe can be made GERD FRIENDLY by eliminating your triggers and replacing with non-triggers.

NOTE: Remember that GERD (as well as most chronic diseases) is multidimensional and individual. One diet might help someone while hurting another. What that means is - some recipes might work for some people while for some people they might cause reflux. Make sure that (based on ingredients) a recipe you've chosen won't trigger reflux for you. Thanks!

Recipe provided by Joy 

Sunday 11 March 2018

Pizza - Tortilla Style

March 11, 2018 0 Comments


  • 1 fat-free medium size tortilla 
  • Cooking spray
  • Herbs of choice ( I used basil & Italian seasoning )
  • Bit of salt
  • Toppings of choice (I used sliced mushrooms, sliced black olives, and diced red bell peppers)
  • Dry Parmesan cheese (to sprinkle on top)
  • The meat of choice, optional (I added 1 -3oz chicken breast, cooked on our george foreman grill, cooled and chopped, sliced mushrooms, sliced black olives, chopped red bell pepper, and thin sliced low-fat mozzarella cheese)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
Spray a pizza pan or an inverted cookie sheet lightly with cooking spray.
Lay the tortilla on the pan or cookie sheet
Spray the tortilla lightly with cooking spray
Sprinkle with herbs of choice, then add the mozzarella, then the meat, sprinkle a little salt over top of the meat & add the toppings, and then sprinkle with parmesan cheese.
Put in the preheated oven, middle rack, 14 minutes.
Remove from oven, cool slightly and cut into wedges and munch away

NOTE: I only eat half of the pizza and save the rest for lunch the next day.
To reheat and keep the crust crispy, first warm it in a microwave for about 30 seconds, then put the heated pizza in a medium hot skillet for about 4 to 5 mins (keep checking the bottom of the pizza to be sure it doesn't burn)

***MY MOTTO: Most any recipe can be made GERD FRIENDLY by eliminating your triggers and replacing with non-triggers.****

NOTE: I hope we all remember that GERD (as well as most chronic diseases) is multidimensional and individual. One diet might help someone while hurting another. What that means is - some recipes might work for some people while for some people they might cause reflux. Make sure that (based on ingredients) a recipe you've chosen won't trigger reflux for you. Thanks! :)

Recipe provided by: Joy

Thursday 8 March 2018

Searching for Moderators!

March 08, 2018 0 Comments

GERD / Acid Reflux Facebook Administration is in search for new moderators for our Facebook group. The group is growing bigger and bigger each day and we need more hands on deck to manage such large number of members.

The most users from this group are located in America, but we have users from all sides of the world and we need to cover all the time-zones. That's why we need your help! 🙂

At the moment we need people from US East and West coast. Also, we need a few moderators from Europe, preferably from Western Europe.

To apply as a moderator, feel free to contact any administrator of this group.
List of the group administrators can be found ---> HERE

Moderator duties are:

  • Approve/Disapprove member requests
  • Make sure members are following the group rules
  • Warn Administrators if someone keeps breaking the rules
  • Be active in the group
In case you cannot access the links in the post, here is a direct link to the group:
And the direct link to the Administrator list:

We are looking forward to your application!

GERD/Acid Reflux Administration

Rum Coconut Carob Buttons

March 08, 2018 0 Comments

Another sweet recipe in the row! This is a quick and simple recipe and everyone will love it! Feel free to play around with the ingredients as you wish! Few of us from the group have tried it and it's simple and delicious!

1/2 cup carob buttons (unsweetened)
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
1/2 teaspoon coconut sugar (optional)
A few drops of the essence (optional)

Add ingredients to a double boiler, stir until melted. Taste test and add more essence or sugar as desired.
Spoon onto baking paper and freeze till set (about 5 mins)
Makes about 16 buttons.

The rum flavour was a winner according to Yahdah :)

Recipe by: Yahdah

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Vanilla Coconut cupcakes

March 07, 2018 0 Comments

The following recipe makes 20 cupcakes:


  • 2 cups self-raising flour
  • 2 cups desiccated coconut
  • 1 2/3 cups coconut milk
  • 1 1/2 cups caster sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence

Mix ingredient's, divide and add other flavors (whole blueberries and pieces of strawberries go well in this basic vanilla recipe, I've also added a few tablespoons of carob powder to make " chocolate" ones, carob choc chips, and mashed banana)

Spoon into paper cupcake cups in a muffin tray.
Bake at 180°C for 20-25 mins

Recipe by: Yahdah

New year, new blog!

March 07, 2018 0 Comments
Hello everyone!

GERD / Acid reflux administration is happy to inform you that we have decided on running this blog in order to provide our users with all important information in one place.

The plan is to regularly add informative posts regarding GERD. There will also be GERD friendly recipes and lots of success stories from our users. We hope you guys will love it! We will do our best to keep this blog always fresh and fancy :)

Please note that some recipes might not be suitable for everyone. Each person reacts differently to each meal. Please, make sure that the ingredients mentioned in the recipe won't trigger the reflux for you, as it's individual for each person.

Cheers from your favorite moderators and administrators: Joy, Rea, Jeremy, Beata, Yahdah, Crystal, Duncan, Olya, and Zoe!

Heartburn-Friendly Baked Chicken Parmesan Recipe

March 07, 2018 0 Comments


  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/2 cup seasoned breadcrumbs
  • 3 tablespoons grated good-quality Parmesan cheese
  • Dash of Italian seasoning
  • Dash of salt
  • 4 teaspoons
  • Olive oil


Heat oven to 375 F.
Lightly coat a baking dish with vegetable cooking spray.
In a small bowl, combine 1/2 cup seasoned bread crumbs, 3 tablespoons grated good-quality Parmesan cheese (not the stuff in a can), a dash of Italian seasoning, and a dash of salt. Mix well.
Lay 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts that have been patted dry on a plate and coat them with 4 teaspoons olive oil.
Dredge chicken breasts on both sides in the bread-crumb mixture. Transfer to the baking dish.

Sprinkle any remaining breadcrumb mixture over the chicken.
Bake uncovered for 35 to 45 minutes, or until done.

Recipe by: Joy