Thursday 8 March 2018

# News

Searching for Moderators!

GERD / Acid Reflux Facebook Administration is in search for new moderators for our Facebook group. The group is growing bigger and bigger each day and we need more hands on deck to manage such large number of members.

The most users from this group are located in America, but we have users from all sides of the world and we need to cover all the time-zones. That's why we need your help! 🙂

At the moment we need people from US East and West coast. Also, we need a few moderators from Europe, preferably from Western Europe.

To apply as a moderator, feel free to contact any administrator of this group.
List of the group administrators can be found ---> HERE

Moderator duties are:

  • Approve/Disapprove member requests
  • Make sure members are following the group rules
  • Warn Administrators if someone keeps breaking the rules
  • Be active in the group
In case you cannot access the links in the post, here is a direct link to the group:
And the direct link to the Administrator list:

We are looking forward to your application!

GERD/Acid Reflux Administration

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