Sunday 25 March 2018

# News

"Member of the week" competitions

COMPETITIONS / MEMBER PARTICIPATION REQUIRED. STARTS TOMORROW and will run MONDAY'S THROUGH FRIDAYS and the winner will be chosen at 5pm U.S. EST ON Friday's, and will be pinned here in our Facebook group and also published here on the blog as a grand prize :)

(Every other week will be a change off from inspirational stories to the recipe of the week).

Fellow administration member Olya came up with this fantastic idea for our group.

The best recovery /inspirational story is how you improved your symptoms and or healed. This is to inspire others with your story and hopefully, others will share theirs as the week goes on. Then ''Recipe Of The Week'' is self-exclamatory, post your best GERD / acid reflux friendly recipes.
The competitions will be rotating one week Of ''Inspirational / Healing Stories'' and the next week will be ''Recipes of the week.'' and so on,

The winner of the week will be titled ''Member Of The Week'' and their story/inspiration and the title ''Recipe Of The Week''., each will be posted as the pinned post for a week of that competition and added to the Group Blog!
Winners will be decided by the total amount of ''LIKES' on our Facebook group' given to each member that participates.

We really hope for a lot of participation from our members.

Let's have fun!
From the Gerd / Acid Reflux Administration <3

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