Wednesday 7 March 2018

# News

New year, new blog!

Hello everyone!

GERD / Acid reflux administration is happy to inform you that we have decided on running this blog in order to provide our users with all important information in one place.

The plan is to regularly add informative posts regarding GERD. There will also be GERD friendly recipes and lots of success stories from our users. We hope you guys will love it! We will do our best to keep this blog always fresh and fancy :)

Please note that some recipes might not be suitable for everyone. Each person reacts differently to each meal. Please, make sure that the ingredients mentioned in the recipe won't trigger the reflux for you, as it's individual for each person.

Cheers from your favorite moderators and administrators: Joy, Rea, Jeremy, Beata, Yahdah, Crystal, Duncan, Olya, and Zoe!

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